How to use TheWorld Browser
- 1. Why the functions I need are not available now?
The priority and attention for the functions are different. We have a plan to realise the functions. The functions that are not available at the present time will be added in the future.
In fact, we hope there could be different versions for our ideal browser. And we are able to achieve all the functions that can be realised by other people.
- 2. How to set TheWorld as my default browser?
Click the icon and select "Default Browser" before TheWorld becomes your default browser. Click it again and you can restore your default browser to IE.
- 3. How to protect my privacy?
TheWorld Browser provides you the following functions and they can protect your privacy reliably. Click the following functions to view the introductions.
Boss Key – Hide your browser immediately.
InPrivate – Leave no trace after browsing the web.
Clean History – Clean all histories that are saved. (You can set to auto clean on exit.)
- 4. How to visit the links in clipboard?
Right click the icon on Tab Bar. Moreover, you can also right click in Address Bar and select "Paste and go".
- 5. How to use right-click menu on Tab Bar if I have enabled right click to close tabs?
Press Shift or your middle mouse button, and then right click the tabs.
- 6. How to get back the hidden toolbars?
Right click on Status Bar and select the toolbars you need in the customize menu.
- 7. How to place Tab Bar on the bottom of web pages?
Close TheWorld Browser and edit theworld.ini. Add the stringstabalign=0 under [option] section. Then Tab Bar will be shown on the bottom. (Only available for traditional skins. Invalid for Chrome style skins.)
- 8. How to use single window instance?
Please go to Options → Basic → General, Check "Use single window instance".