Backup&Restore Settings

  • Backup settings

    Please use the following methods according to your operating system. Shut down TheWorld Browser before doing the following operations. Do not try the following operations when TheWorld is running.

    On Windows 2000, XP and 2003:

    Just copy the folder of TheWorld Browser to the disk where you want to backup your settings. The folder of TheWorld Browser usually locates in C:\Program Files.

    On Windows Vista, 2008 and Windows 7:

    There are two ways for Window Vista, 2008 and Windows 7.

    1. If TheWorld Browser is installed in the following folders: Program Files, ProgramData, Users and Windows in your system disk, you need to copy the folder of TheWorld Browser as well as all files in the following category: “X:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\TheWorld”. The “X” here means the partition where your system disk is. And “UserName” is your current user name on your operating system.

    2. If TheWorld Browser is installed in other categories except the four folders above: you just need to copy the folder of TheWorld Browser to the disk where you want to backup your settings.

    Why I have to backup one more folder on Windows Vista?

    On operating systems such as Windows Vista, the folders such as Program Files, ProgramData, Users and Windows are protected by the system. So TheWorld can not save your settings to these folders directly. If you have installed your TheWorld Browser to these folders, TheWorld will save your settings to the folder “X:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\TheWorld”. So in this condition, you have to backup the folder of “X:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\TheWorld” besides the necessary folder of TheWorld Browser.

  • Restore settings

    Please use the following methods according to your operating system. Shut down TheWorld Browser before doing the following operations. Do not try the following operations when TheWorld is running.

    On Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and 2003:

    Just overwrite the folder of TheWorld Browser with your backup files to restore your personal settings.

    On Windows Vista, 2008 and Windows 7:

    We suggest you not to install TheWorld Browser to the following folders: Program Files, ProgramData, Users and Windows in your system disk.

    If your TheWorld is not installed in these folders, you just need to overwrite the folder of TheWorld with your backup files to restore your personal settings.

    If you have already installed TheWorld to the following folders (Program Files, ProgramData, Users and Windows in your system disk), you have to overwrite the files in the folder of TheWorld as well as“X:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\TheWorld” with your backup files.

If you need more help for using TheWorld,please Enter TheWorld Forum.