Web pages can not be displayed correctly

1. TheWorld can not display websites correctly, while IE works well.

Cause: Some extensions of TheWorld Browser may cause the problem that some web pages can not be displayed correctly.

Solution: Try to disable the following functions.

2. The buttons and input boxes become very small.

Cause: After IE8 has been installed, some of the irregular system themes may cause this problem. And IE8 also has this problem itself.

Solution 1: Click here to download the fixed CSS style file, save it to a folder which will not be deleted by mistake. Then go to Tools→IE Options→general→accessibility→"Format documents using my style sheet" and select the CSS file that you have downloaded.

Solution 2: Right click the icon of TheWorld and select properties. Switch to compatibility tab and select "Disable visual themes" . Then restart your TheWorld Browser.

3.Web pages perform abnormally when my mouse clicks. (Elements in web pages are sticky with the mouse.)

Cause: The function of "Unlock the page blocking" removes the limitation by breaking through the scripts in web pages. This funcion may cause compatibility problems.

Solution: Try to disable the function of "Unlock the page blocking".

4. Normal popup windows or images are filtered.

Cause: Normal elements may also adopt the technology used in floating advertisements and popup windows. So when "Unlock the page blocking " function is enabled, normal elemets might be filtered by mistake.

Solution: Click the icon     on Status Bar, and select "Allow this page temporarily" or add this site to "Exception list". Then the current website will not be filtered.

5. Popup download windows appear when I open websites.

Cause: Certain reason may cause the error of the system XML module.

Solution: Exit all web browsers, and then input the following commands in Start Menu→Run.

regsvr32 msxml3.dll

Note: You should run as administrator on Windows Vista and Windows 7.


6. Websites are opened when I drag & drop keywords, rather than search.

Cause: When there are the symbols such as \ / . in your keywords, they will be opened directly as web pages and will not be searched.

Solution: Right click the selected keywords and select a search engine. Or drag & drop them to Search Bar to search them.

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